Recently, during several conversations I’ve had, I have refined a personal understanding.

The questions arise…

  • Why, since my fiber medium is considered female and work by females in our society is still regularly, even automatically discounted…

  • Why, since my fiber work is very labor intensive and therefore the time spent creating it is still not in balance with an hourly wage salable price…

  • Why, since it is essentially impossible to completely transcend the *artists never succeed till they die* syndrome because our culture is still holding this perceived pattern so completely…

  • Why, since I’ve discovered that as a not/heterosexual male in a group that is 98% female, I have little in common with most of the rest of my group…

  • Why, since art by its very nature is often entirely disregarded by our culture…

  • Why do I continue to persevere?

While it always has been, I have recently more fully self-recognized my Art Path as my Spiritual Practice.

  • Listening to music most of the time…

  • Designing, both the sketching and envisioning parts…

  • Drawing and constructing the cardboard patterns…

  • Pulling together the myriad, often unrelated textiles…
    Cutting out the always more than I need group of fabrics, or my dismemberment process…

  • Laying out the mass of print and pattern and color until it gels, thereby ordering chaos…

  • Machine constructing, or re-membering the various component parts…

  • Setting up to quilt the never before existing, yet re-born single pieced surface…

  • Hand quilting, always in a very high state of meditation…

  • And then finishing and signing the new work, freeing it from me in a completion exercise…

  • Is my Spiritual Practice. It is my Religion. It is my God.

I self-recognized that following my childhood interests would be following my right destiny.

I self-recognized that working in my fiber medium would balance my masculine and feminine energies, allowing a state of wholeness to manifest.

I self-recognized that in giving it all up to my Art, I surrendered to the Creative Spirit of the Universe.

And who wouldn’t want to know they’d achieved that Connection/Immersion/Union?

In doing so I self-recognized the Oneness of all things.

Including me.

The final question becomes…
Why would I ever want to stop?
